Tuesday, August 11, 2009

SLC man concerned over slow police response to drunk driver


Understanding How Calls are Prioritized by Dispatchers Can Clarify
Report Comment by Utah Gang Graffiti Researcher @ 10:50pm - Tue Aug 11th, 2009

(1)Just because someone reports an alleged drunk driver does not mean that the person automatically is when the police arrive.The dispatchers will send someone as soon as possible to the location always.
(2)Most importantly;this however,can be delayed due to amount of officers on patrol at the time, and severity of calls right before this incident was called in.In other words sometimes there are not enough officers on duty, or there are enough but an urgent life threatening incident occured,big brawl fight broke out closeby etc.
(3)Having worked in Hotel Security downtown and dealt with issues requiring police assistance regularly, I have the utmost respect for Salt Lake City. They have a great bike patrol and night patrol officers for around the many busy nightclubs and bars downtown.
(4) We must as a society make sure there are no more budget cuts which effect staffing or resources to law enforcement in Utah. The crime has not declined in recent years, and the population and requests for police, fire, emt assistance have increased dramatically.
(5)Without looking at the staffing levels (I do not have access to them)it is fair to say that either there were not enough officers on patrol or it was a hectic time and officers were all busy on calls of higher severity. All calls are prioritized.
(6)I am glad everyone is okay. This is the major reason the public needs to get involved and prevent the person from driving, take away the keys, call a cab.Where were this persons friends?Why was he still being served? Was he on more than just alcohol?

Just a non paid independent gang researcher. I am not a member of law enforcement.
B.S.Justice Studies
Westminster College 2007


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